GRASS Addons SVN repository ==================================================== Installation - Code Compilation ################################ * C code/Scripts, with GRASS source code on your computer: Preparations (assuming source code in $HOME/grass64/): (if you have already build GRASS from source you don't need to do this again. If adding to a binary install the versions must match exactly. For a SVN checkout this means that the main GRASS binary and source code SVN revisions must match.) 1. ./configure [opionally flags] 2. make libs The easiest way to compile GRASS Addons modules into your GRASS code is by setting MODULE_TOPDIR on the fly to tell 'make' where to find the prepared GRASS source code: make MODULE_TOPDIR=$HOME/grass64/ (adapt to your /path/to/grass6/). Each module/script in the GRASS Addons SVN repository should have a Makefile to support easy installation. Install then into your existing GRASS installation with make MODULE_TOPDIR=$HOME/grass64/ install This may require "root" priviledges (so, also 'sudo' may help). * C code/Scripts, with GRASS binaries on your computer: compile GRASS Addons modules into your GRASS code by setting MODULE_TOPDIR to where to the GRASS binaries are located: make MODULE_TOPDIR=/usr/lib/grass640/ * GEM: If you want to install into a *binary* GRASS package, you can use the "GRASS Extensions Manager (GEM)": ######################################################################## To submit your GRASS project here, please write to Markus Neteler or any other GRASS developer with write access. The submmission must be compliant with the GRASS submission rules as found in the GRASS source code and RFC2 (Legal aspects of submission): Also read submitting instructions before committing any changes! Read access is granted to the public, write access must be requested, see below for details. Checkout of entire Addons repository: svn checkout grass-addons ######################################################################## Mime-types ########## # To avoid PDF mime-type recognition problems, # each new (!) PDF file has to be modified like this: # (unsure how to exclude PDF from the 'diff' email) svn propset svn:mime-type application/x-pdf *.pdf svn commit *.pdf ######################################################################## How to get write access here? ############################# Write access is only granted to developers who agree to abide by RFC2 - Legal aspects of code contributions and the code submission guidelines (file SUBMITTING in this directory). This needs to be communicated to a GRASS developer. S/he will then possibly propose you to the GRASS Project Steering committee after a period of evaluation. For details, see Once write access is granted, you, the new developer need to obtain an "osgeo_id" at If you already have an "osgeo_id" but forgot it, search for it at Search at If there are no objections, the write access is then activated by a GRASS developer in the OSGeo LDAP for GRASS Addons.