GRASS Addons Subversion repository at ########################################################## -1. How to get access here? Write access is only granted to developers who agree to abide by RFC2 - Legal aspects of code contributions This needs to be communicated to a GRASS developer. Then you, the new developer need to obtain an "osgeo_id" at If you have an "osgeo_id" but forgot it, search for it at Search at ########################################################## Using the GRASS Addons Subversion 0. Install the svn client software Linux: * 'subversion' package (RPM/DEB for your distro, should be on the CDROMs/DVD) MacOSX: * -> Downloads Windows: * -> Downloads If you want a pretty Win32 GUI, 'TortoiseSVN' integrates nicely with the Windows Explorer. PROXY: SVN is a tricky software. It ignores any environment variables for proxy. If you have to use a proxy server, edit $HOME/.subversion/servers and add: [global] http-proxy-host = http-proxy-port = 3128 1. How to get the grass-addons from the SVN repository 1a) Command line: svn checkout grass-addons -> first it shows you the certificate (not validated which is ok), enter 'p' to accept it permanently 1b) TortoiseSVN: Just enter this url: and your user/password combination. 2. This will check out the grass-addons into the directory grass-addons/ 3. cd grass-addons/ 4. Read submitting instructions before committing any changes! 5. Now work on the repository (see below). ######################## We also have a nice Web interface for *reading* (not submitting): If you want a graphical tool for SVN, get it here: (MN prefers command line since this is fast and easy...). ######################## Change notification: Every change in the repository issues an email which indicates - date - author - commit comment - list of changed lines The SVN change notification is better than that of the old CVS. ######################## Some commands (commands are pretty much the same as for CVS!): - Help: svn help svn help up svn help mv ... - Update from SVN server: svn up This can happen: A Added D Deleted U Updated C Conflict - ZAP! Here check for problems (same as in old CVS) G merGed - Find out if you have uncommitted changes on your disk: svn status If no output, everything was uploaded to SVN. Congrats. - Verify changes before submitting: svn diff - Commit changes to SVN server: individual file commit: svn ci -m "Some useful comment" file1 [file2 ...] or (for global commit of all changes), simply: svn ci -m "Some useful comment" - Add new file/directory to SVN repository: svn add file svn ci -m "Some useful comment" file svn add directory svn ci -m "Some useful comment" directory - Remove file from SVN server (careful!): svn rm file svn ci -m "Some useful comment" file - Move file to another directory (this is the cool feature of SVN): svn mv file ../some_dir/ cd .. svn ci -m "file moved because ..." - Make new directory (see also svn add above for simplicity): svn mkdir newdirectory svn ci -m "we need a new directory" newdirectory - Oops - submitted a wrong change? Revert! svn revert file - See last changes after updating: (BASE: the revision you updated to, PREV: previous) svn diff -r PREV:BASE svn diff -r PREV:BASE file - Check history of changes: (see for details) svn log file ... on all files: svn log ... create ChangeLog file: svn log > ChangeLog - Handling SVN conflicts (please read the svngrassaddons if unsure!): Whenever a conflict occurs, three things typically occur to assist you in noticing and resolving that conflict: * Subversion prints a C during the update, and remembers that the file is in a state of conflict. * For every conflicted file, Subversion places up to three extra unversioned files in your working copy * At this point, Subversion will not allow you to commit the file until the three temporary files are removed. $ svn commit --message "Add a few more things" svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: Aborting commit: '/home/sally/svn-work/sandwich.txt' remains in conflict * If you get a conflict, you need to do *one* of three things: * Merge the conflicted text 'by hand' (by examining and editing the conflict markers (<<<<< and >>>>>) within the file). * or: Copy one of the temporary files on top of your working file. * or: Run svn revert to throw away all of your local changes. Once you've resolved the conflict, you need to let Subversion know by running svn resolved. This removes the three temporary files and Subversion no longer considers the file to be in a state of conflict: $ svn resolved sandwich.txt Resolved conflicted state of 'sandwich.txt' ########## Reference (really good:) Version Control with Subversion