d.mark will quickly display a marker on the active display monitor at the chosen position. Placement can be given either as a percentage of the screen dimensions (default), or with absolute map coordinates if the -m flag is used.

The default marker is a yellow triangle, but the usual symbol control and color options are available, including line width and symbol rotation.


All standard GRASS symbols are available, just the name is needed the symbol group will be found automatically.

Marks are not saved to the Xmonitor history and will not survive d.redraw or a resize of the Xmon window.


Draw a north arrow in the bottom right of the map display:
  d.mark at=90,10 symbol=n_arrow4 fcolor=black
Place a "X" at the coordinate 596236,4921390:
  d.mark -m at=596236,4921390 symbol=cross2 size=16 rotation=45


The Icons and Symbols page on the GRASS Wiki


Hamish Bowman
Department of Marine Science
University of Otago
New Zealand

Last changed: $Date$