GIPE Modules list ----------------- Yann Chemin, 2011 January 12th, Wagga Wagga, Australia. ---------------------------------------------------------- Those modules are getting installed when you run the script: (works in WinGRASS and Linux) All modules (except 2: r.gaswap.serial and i.evapo.TSA) are having GUI menu places integrated inside the GRASS Interfaces (works in both tcltk and wxpython), i.* in imagery menu and r.* in raster menu. Cleaning -------- 20080820-22: // -> /**/ Done, code standardization, new coding practices updated on older modules. 20080822: on all but, r.hydro.CASC2D, r.evapo.PM. 20080822: Contacted Massimiliano (HydroFOSS) to permit me to copy r.evapo.PM in GIPE for parsing+eventual cleaning. 20080822: Massimiliano granted me to prepare r.evapo.PM and include it in GIPE for public consideration to include in GRASS main. 20081005:, i.albedo, i.qc.modis are now removed from GIPE and are in GRASS 7 SVN (i.qc.modis->i.modis.qc). 20081010: Added i.modis.stateqa for cloud, fire, land/water and other interesting MODIS09A flags. 20081011: Moved r.uslek to main SVN 20081012: Moved r.usler to main SVN 20081012: Added i.latlong, removed i.latitude and i.longitude 20081012: Moved i.latlong to main SVN 20081020: Moved i.sunhours, i.emissivity to main SVN 20090619: Moved i.eb.g0, i.eb.evapfr, i.eb.h_SEBAL01, i.eb.eta to main SVN 20090619: Renamed i.eb.g0 to i.eb.soilheatflux inside main SVN 20090623: Moved i.biomass to main SVN 20110101: Moved i.dn2ref.ast to i.aster.toar in main SVN Also removed i.dn2ref.l5/7 as they are superseeded by i.landsat.toar in main SVN 20110112: Moved i.netrad, r/i.evapo.PM/PT/MH to main SVN Imagery modules --------------- **i.albedo: (Now in Main SVN) Calculates Albedo form reflectance bands of Modis/AVHRR/Landsat/Aster **i.atcorr: (ported from GRASS 5.x, now in Main SVN) Atmospheric correction **i.biomass: (Now in Main SVN) Calculates biomass growth of a plant/crop **i.emissivity: (now in main SVN) Calculates the generic emissivity from NDVI i.lmf: Calculates NDVI temporal splinning after Sawada et al. (2001) ** (now in Main SVN) Calculates any of 13 types of vegetation indices Educational version in MPICH for HPC Educational version in Ninf/G for grid computing i.water: Identifies water (from Terra-MODIS and generic method) i.wi: Calculates a water index -----IMPORT from DN to reflectance, radiance temperature or potential ET ------------- **i.dn2full.l5: imports DN into radiance or reflectance/temperature for Landsat 5 **i.dn2full.l7: imports DN into radiance or reflectance/temperature for Landsat 7 i.dn2potrad.l5: Calculates potential Evapotranspiration from Landsat 5 DN directly i.dn2potrad.l7: Calculates potential Evapotranspiration from Landsat 7 DN directly **i.dn2ref.ast: imports DN into radiance or reflectance for Terra-ASTER (not temperature) **i.dn2ref.l7: imports DN into radiance or reflectance for Landsat 7 (not temperature) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----ENERGY balance------------------------------------------------------------------- i.eb.deltat: Energy-Balance: Calculates a generic Soil to Air temperature difference i.eb.disp: Energy-Balance: Calculates the displacement height above canopy **i.eb.eta: (Now in main SVN) Energy-Balance: Calculates the Actual Evapotranspiration **i.eb.evapfr: (Now in main SVN) Energy-Balance: Calculates the Evaporative Fraction (and soil moisture) **i.eb.g0: (Now in main SVN) Energy-Balance: Calculates the Soil Heat Flux i.eb.h0: Energy-Balance: Calculates the Sensible Heat Flux i.eb.h_iter: Energy-Balance: Calculates the Sensible Heat Flux after Pawan (2004) **i.eb.h_SEBAL01:(Now in main SVN) Energy-Balance: Calculates the Sensible Heat Flux after SEBAL (small areas) i.eb.h_SEBAL95: Energy-Balance: Calculates the Sensible Heat Flux after SEBAL 1995 i.eb.molength: Energy-Balance: Calculates the Monin-Obukov Length **i.eb.netrad: Energy-Balance: Calculates the Net Radiation i.eb.psi: Energy-Balance: Calculates the Psichrometric components i.eb.rah: Energy-Balance: Calculates a aerodynamic resistance to heat momentum i.eb.rohair: Energy-Balance: Calculates the air density i.eb.ublend: Energy-Balance: Calculates the wind speed at blending height i.eb.ustar: Energy-Balance: Calculates the friction velocity i.eb.wetdrypix: Energy-Balance: Calculates two maps showing wet and dry pixels for SEBAL i.eb.z0m: Energy-Balance: Calculates the roughness length (generic from NDVI) i.eb.z0m0: Energy-Balance: Calculates the roughness length (more for crops) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----EVAPOTRANSPIRATION reference, potential, actual, time integration, automatic modes-- i.evapo.potrad: Calculates the Potential Evapotranspiration from Astronomical equations **i.evapo.PT: Calculates Priestley and Taylor Potential Evapotranspiration i.evapo.senay: Calculates Actual evapotranspiration after Senay (2007) **i.evapo.time_integration: (Now in main SVN) Integrates Actual ET over time using daily ETo meteo data i.evapo.TSA: Unfinished: Calculates Actual Evapotranspiration after Chen et al. (2005) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----Utilities----------------------------------------------------------------------- **i.latlong: Calculates latitude/longitude by reprojecting without datum transform **i.qc.modis: (Now in Main SVN as i.modis.qc) Converts Terra-MODIS Quality Assessment bits to numeric classes : Calculates the time of satellite overpass -> REMOVED (not needed since Landsat MTL has it now) **i.sunhours: (now in main SVN) Calculates potential sunshine hours ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raster modules -------------- r.hydro.CASC2D: (ported from GRASS 5.x): hydrological model r.out.vic: Creates input files to VIC Hydrological model -----EVAPOTRANSPIRATION reference, potential, ET data assimilation-- **r.evapo.MH: Calculates the Evapotranspiration from Hargreaves and modified versions. **r.evapo.PM: (from HydroFOSS) Calculates the Evapotranspiration from Penman-Monteith (1972) r.gaswap.serial: RS ETa data assimilation of SWAP agro-hydrological model ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----USLE K factor, R factor, soil texture and soil properties convertors-- r.soiltex2prop: Converts soil texture to porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity, wetting front suction after Rawls et al (1990) r.soilusda2tex: Converts USDA soil classes to soil texture layers (sand, silt, clay) **r.uslek: (Now in main SVN) USLE K factor calculation from soil texture layers **r.usler: (Now in main SVN) USLE R factor calculation (4 methods) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------