PROGRAM EIGEN C C Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors for an NxN matrix C C AUTHOR: Michael Shapiro, U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory C C COPYRIGHT: (C) 1999 by the GRASS Development Team C C This program is free software under the GNU General Public C License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS C for details. C C The input is from stdin and has the following format C C First line contains one positive integer N, the diminension of the matrix C The the matrix of real values follows N reals per line each separated by C white space: C C 3 C 1.2 2.3 3.4 C 0.1 12.3 34.5676 C 2 12.45 2 C C C Currently, the max value for N is 30 C C The output is N sets of values. One E line and N V W lines C C E real imaginary percent-importance C V real imaginary C N real imaginary C W real imaginary C ... C C where E is the eigen value (and it relative importance) C and V are the eigenvector for this eigenvalue. C N are the normalized eigenvector for this eigenvalue. C W are the N vector multiplied by the square root of the magnitude C of the eigen value (E). C DOUBLE PRECISION A(30,30),W1,W2,WR(30),WI(30),Z(30,30),FV1(30) DOUBLE PRECISION SUM1,SUM2 INTEGER IV1(30),N C C read the matrix size READ(5,*,END=1000) N IF(N.LT.1) GOTO 2000 IF(N.GT.30) GOTO 3000 C PRINT *,"N=",N C C read the matrix READ(5,*,END=1000) (( A(I,J),J=1,N),I=1,N) C C run the real-general eigen subroutine CALL RG(30,N,A,WR,WI,1,Z,IV1,FV1,IERR) IF (IERR.NE.0) WRITE(6,*) "? ERROR CODE",IERR C C WR and WI contain the real and imaginary parts of the eigenvalues C Z contains the vectors SUM1 = 0.0 DO 1 I=1,N 1 SUM1 = SUM1 + SQRT(WR(I)*WR(I)+WI(I)*WI(I)) DO 2 I=1,N W1 = SQRT(WR(I)*WR(I)+WI(I)*WI(I)) W2 = SQRT(W1) WRITE(6,100) "E",WR(I),WI(I), W1/SUM1 * 100.0 C C Normalize the eigenvectors before printing SUM2 = 0.0 DO 6 J=1,N IF(WI(I))3,4,5 3 SUM2 = SUM2 + Z(J,I-1) * Z(J,I-1) + Z(J,I) * Z(J,I) GOTO 6 4 SUM2 = SUM2 + Z(J,I) * Z(J,I) GOTO 6 5 SUM2 = SUM2 + Z(J,I+1) * Z(J,I+1) + Z(J,I) * Z(J,I) 6 CONTINUE SUM2 = SQRT(SUM2) DO 16 J=1,N IF(WI(I))13,14,15 13 WRITE(6,100) "V",Z(J,I-1),-Z(J,I) GOTO 16 14 WRITE(6,100) "V",Z(J,I),0.0 GOTO 16 15 WRITE(6,100) "V",Z(J,I),Z(J,I+1) 16 CONTINUE DO 26 J=1,N IF(WI(I))23,24,25 23 WRITE(6,100) "N",Z(J,I-1)/SUM2,-Z(J,I)/SUM2 GOTO 26 24 WRITE(6,100) "N",Z(J,I)/SUM2,0.0 GOTO 26 25 WRITE(6,100) "N",Z(J,I)/SUM2,Z(J,I+1)/SUM2 26 CONTINUE DO 36 J=1,N IF(WI(I))33,34,35 33 WRITE(6,100) "W",W2*Z(J,I-1)/SUM2,-W2*Z(J,I)/SUM2 GOTO 36 34 WRITE(6,100) "W",W2*Z(J,I)/SUM2,0.0 GOTO 36 35 WRITE(6,100) "W",W2*Z(J,I)/SUM2,W2*Z(J,I+1)/SUM2 36 CONTINUE 2 CONTINUE C CALL EXIT(0) 1000 PRINT *,"Incomplete input file" CALL EXIT(1) 2000 PRINT *,"N must be positive" CALL EXIT(1) 3000 PRINT *,"Maximum array size is 30" CALL EXIT(1) 100 FORMAT(A1,1x,F20.10,1x,F20.10,3x,F6.2) END