This is a script written in bash shell language, configured for grass 6.3 release. (Users of previous releases can use the r.inund.fluv_62 file as described below) r.inund.fluv use the following fortran codes: - find_main_channel.f90 - clean_inundation.f90 - 2d_path.f90 - correction_from_path.f90 ***************************REQUEST ******************************** The installation of this code requests a fortran compiler installed on your computer. For any other informations contact the autors of the script (see description.html) ****************************************************************** **************** Users of GRASS 6.3 ****************************** 1) open the Makefile with a text editor 2) insert the path to the source grass directory in MODULE_TOPDIR = ../.. (for example: MODULE_TOPDIR = /root/grass-6.3.0_source) 3) in the directory where you have downloaded the files run: make 4) go in the source grass directory 5) run: make install **************** Users of GRASS 6.2 ****************************** Rename the grass script as follows: r.inund.fluv --> r.inund.fluv_63 r.inund.fluv_62 --> r.inund.fluv Hence follows the procedure described for users of GRASS 6.3