DESCRIPTION creates a GRASS vector map layer based on GNU GaMa XML output file. This file (which contains adjustment results of geodetic network) can be created by gama-local tool.


First, we adjust geodetic network by gama-local tool. The adjustment results are saved also in XML data format.
gama-local --xmlout network.xml network.gkf
Afterwards we create a map layer network by the module input=network.xml output=network
This map layer contains two different layers. Layer 1 is connected with attribute table 'network_point', layer 2 with 'network_obs'. In the first layer are stored points of geodetic network. Layer 2 contains observation data (in geometry way lines and points).


GNU Gama is a project dedicated to adjustment of geodetic networks. GNU Gama is released under GNU General Public Licence. For parsing XML documents GNU Gama calls expat parser written by James Clark.

GNU Gama currently contains two main development branches. Stable branch of the project is limited to network adjustment in a local coordinate system (program gama-local). In the unstable development branch the adjustment model is based on geocentric coordinate system (program gama-g3).

The development version of the program gama-local enables to save adjustment results besides of the standard text format also in newly designed XML output data format. This feature is fundamental for GRASS module Currently it is possible to use only in connection with gama-local from unstable development branch.



Martin Landa, CTU in Prague, Czech Republic

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