This is just a little experiment to see if we can make the ximgview, wximgview, and wxpyimgview programs a bit simpler to start up.

Add this to your ~/.grass.bashrc file:

  if [ `echo "$GRASS_VERSION" | cut -f1 -d.` -eq 7 ] ; then
     alias d.mon='eval ` -b`'

By default the temporary file will be stored in $MAPSET/.tmp/ and cleared at the end of the session. You can put it somewhere else with the tempfile option. For example, when working remotely with PuTTY (ssh without tunnelled X) + Apache:

   alias d.mon='eval ` -b handler=none tempfile=/var/www/grassmap.png`'
then just hit reload in your web browser whenever a refresh is needed.


Hamish Bowman
Dunedin, New Zealand

Last changed: $Date$