g.rename.many renames multiple maps at once using g.rename module. Old and new names are read from a text file. The file format is a simple CSV (comma separated values) format with no text delimiter (e.g. no quotes around cell content). Comma is a default cell delimiter but it can be changed to anything.

Possible use cases include:


Renaming rasters

First prepare a file with names of raster maps to be renamed. The file can be prepared in spreadsheet application (and saved as CSV with cell delimiter comma and no text delimiter) or as a text file in any (plain) text editor. In any case, the result should be a plain text file with format and content similar to the following sample:
Once the file is prepared, the module can be called:
g.rename.many raster=raster_names.csv

This example worked only with raster maps. However multiple files, one for each map type, can be used at once.

Creating a file with current names

A template for renaming can be prepared using g.list module, for example in command line (bash syntax):
g.list type=raster mapset=. sep=",
" > raster_names.csv

Note that we are using only maps in a current Mapset because these are the only ones we can rename.

With some further processing file template can be made more complete by including map names twice (bash syntax):

g.list type=raster mapset=. | sed -e "s/\(.*\)/\1,\1/g" > raster_names.csv
The sed expression used here takes whatever is on a line on input and puts it twice on one line on the output separated by comma.


g.rename, g.list


Vaclav Petras, NCSU OSGeoREL

Last changed: $Date$