The i.sentinel.import module allows importing Copernicus Sentinel products downloaded by the module.

By default i.sentinel.import imports all Sentinel scene files found in the input directory by r.import. Note that in the case that spatial reference system of input data differs from GRASS GIS location, the input data are reprojected. To speed up this process, a higher than default value can be specified for the memory option.

Optionally input data can be linked by r.external when -l is given. Note that linking data requires that Sentinel input data and GRASS location have the same spatial reference system (e.g., the same UTM zone).

The number of imported Sentinel bands can be optionally reduced by the pattern option. Below an overview of the Sentinel-2 MSI band spatial resolutions:

Spatial resolution [m] S2 Bands
10 B2, B3, B4, B8
20 B5, B6, B7, B8a, B11, B12
60 B1, B9, B10


If -c flag is given, than also cloud mask file is imported as vector map if available. The name of created vector map is determined from input Sentinel product.


List Sentinel bands

At first, print list of raster files to be imported by -p. For each file also projection match with current location is printed including detected input data EPSG code:
i.sentinel.import -p input=data

data/S2B_MSIL1C_20180216T102059_N0206_R065_T32UPB_20180216T140508.SAFE/GRANULE/.../T32UPB_20180216T102059_B04.jp2 1 (EPSG: 32632)
data/S2B_MSIL1C_20180216T102059_N0206_R065_T32UPB_20180216T140508.SAFE/GRANULE/.../T32UPB_20180216T102059_B07.jp2 1 (EPSG: 32632)
data/S2B_MSIL1C_20180216T102059_N0206_R065_T32UPB_20180216T140508.SAFE/GRANULE/.../T32UPB_20180216T102059_B11.jp2 1 (EPSG: 32632)

Import Sentinel bands

Import all Sentinel bands found in data directory:
i.sentinel.import input=data

Limit import to only to 4th and 8th bands:

i.sentinel.import input=data pattern='B0(4|8)'

Limit import to only to all bands with 10m resolution (excluding AOT, WVP, ... bands):

i.sentinel.import input=data pattern='B0(2|3|4|8)_10m'

Link data and import also cloud mask file:

i.sentinel.import -l -c input=data

Fig: Band 4 with imported cloud mask


Overview of i.sentinel toolset, i.sentinel.preproc, i.sentinel.mask, r.import, r.external, v.import

See also GRASS GIS Workshop in Jena for usage examples.


Martin Landa, GeoForAll Lab, CTU in Prague, Czech Republic with support of OpenGeoLabs company

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