r.lake.series fills a lake or any area from a given start point or areas specified by raster map (seed_raster option). The module generates one map containing filled areas for each water level specified by water level options (start_water_level, end_water_level, water_level_step). This module uses r.lake module to generate individual maps for the map series. See r.lake manual for further discussion. Note that water level is absolute height, so it should be in same range as you digital elevation model. On the other hand, water depth in output maps is relative to the water level.

This module outputs:


The following example presents a bigger flooding in rural area of North Carolina sample dataset and included also visualization examples.
# using unix-like shell syntax

# set computational region
g.region raster=elev_lid792_1m
# prepare input data -d input=streams output=rural_streams use=val val=1 

# compute a flooding scenario
r.lake.series elevation=elev_lid792_1m seed=rural_streams \
              start_wl=104.0 end_wl=115.0 wl_step=0.2 output=flooding

# visualize the flooding space-time raster dataset
g.gui.animation strds=flooding

# alternatively explore maps from dataset
# prepare shaded relief map
r.relief input=elev_lid792_1m output=elev_lid792_1m_shade
# set color table for streams
r.colors map=rural_streams rules=- <<EOF
1 blue

# open d.mon or map display
d.mon wx1

# show base maps
d.rast elev_lid792_1m_shade
d.rast rural_streams

# show particular flooding maps
d.rast flooding_105.0
d.rast flooding_108.0
d.rast flooding_114.0

Figure: A bigger flooding in rural area of North Carolina sample dataset with water level at 105, 108 and 114 meters (water depth differs in different areas).




Vaclav Petras, NCSU OSGeoREL,
Maris Nartiss (author of r.lake)

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