Hi authors, I have made a series of fixes. major stuff - added r.pi.corrwin r.pi.index r.pi.rectangle to this copy in Dropbox for completion - renamed since caps letters are undesired: r.fragment.NN -> r.fragment.nn r.fragment.ENN -> r.fragment.enn - corrected all global variable definitions, in order to make code compilable with these flags: -Wall -fno-common -fexceptions (a test for code portability) - fixed include file order: first system, then grass includes - use M_PI instead of private PI definition - use GNAME_MAX instead of 256 chars length - mv man_pages/rpi_overview.html description.html in order to autogenerate main description page - updated ./description.html - all HTML tags should be minor case, not caps - linked modules - broken long lines minor stuff - added GRASS GPL header in all main.c files, PURPOSE field yet to be compiled - fixed file permissions - fixed main Makefile - removed empty directories and cruft - removed superfluous */makeit.sh files. For compilation, simply use make MODULE_TOPDIR=$HOME/grass64/ make MODULE_TOPDIR=$HOME/grass64/ install and make MODULE_TOPDIR=$HOME/grass64/ clean - fixed C code layout with this helper script: grass64/tools/grass_indent.sh Cheers Markus Neteler 4/2011 http://gis.cri.fmach.it