r.texture.tiled cuts a raster input map into tiles and runs r.texture over these tiles before patching the result together into a single output raster map.

The overlap between tiles is calculated internally in order to correspond to the window size in order to avoid any border effects.

Tiles can be defined with the tile_width, tile_height and overlap parameters. If processes is higher than one, these tiles will be processed in parallel.

The mapset_prefix parameter allows to make sure that the temporary mapsets created during the tiled processing have unique names. This is useful if the user runs r.texture.tiled several times in parallel (e.g. in an HPC environment).


The parameters for texture calculation are identical to those of r.texture. Currently, this module only allows calculating one texture feature at a time. The n flag allowing null cells is automatically set in order to avoid issues at the border of the current computational region / of the input map.


Run r.texture over tiles with size 1000x1000 using 4 parallel processes:
g.region rast=ortho_2001_t792_1m
r.texture.tiled ortho_2001_t792_1m output=ortho_texture method=idm \
   tile_width=1000 tile_height=1000 processes=4




Moritz Lennert

Last changed: $Date$