v.kriging constructs 2D / 3D raster from the values located on discrete points using interpolation method ordinary kriging. In order to let the user decide on the process and necessary parameters, the module performance is divided into three phases:


To get optimal results, it is necessary to test various initial settings, anisotropic ratios and variogram functions. Input (2D or 3D point layer) must contain values to be interpolated in the attribute table.

3D kriging

General commands
v.kriging phase=initial in=input_layer icol=name report=report_file.txt file=png
v.kriging in=input_layer phase=middle hz_fun=exponential vert_fun=exponential ic=name file=png  \
hz_range=double vert_range=double [hz_sill=double vert_sill=double hz_nugget=double vert_nugget=double] -u
v.kriging in=input_layer phase=final final_fun=exponential final_range=double \ 
[final_sill=double final_nugget=double] icol=name file=png out=name crossval=crossval_file.txt

Commands based on the dataset of Slovakia 3D precipitation (Mitasova and Hofierka, 2004). For more detailed information check case studies. Another examples of 3D interpolation are available in (Stopkova, 2014).

v.kriging phase=initial in=precip3d@PERMANENT ic=precip report=precip3d.txt file=png --o
v.kriging in=precip3d@PERMANENT phase=middle hz_fun=exponential vert_fun=gaussian ic=precip file=png hz_range=100000. vert_range=1600 --o -u 
v.kriging in=precip3d@PERMANENT phase=middle hz_fun=exponential vert_fun=gaussian ic=precip \
file=png hz_range=100000. vert_range=1600 --o -u 
Note: 3D points in this example are concentrated on the Earth's surface. Thus the deeper / higher, the less accurate result of interpolation.

2D kriging

General commands

v.kriging phase=initial in=input_layer icol=name report=report_file.txt file=png -2
v.kriging in=input_layer phase=final final_function=linear icol=name file=png \
  out=name crossval=crossval_file.txt -2

Commands based on 500 random points extracted from input points of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) elev_lid792_randpts from the North Carolina dataset (Neteler and Mitasova, 2004). See the case studies.

v.kriging phase=initial in=elev_lid792_selected ic=value azimuth=45. td=45. \
report=lid792_500_linear.txt -2 --o
v.kriging in=elev_lid792_selected phase=final final_function=linear ic=value \
file=png out=lid792_500_linear crossval=lid792_500_xval_linear.txt -2 --o




Mitasova, H. and Hofierka, J. (2004). Slovakia Precipitation data. Available at
Neteler, M. and Mitasova, H. (2004). Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach. 2nd Ed. 401 pp, Springer, New York. Online Supplement:
Stopkova, E. (2014). Development and application of 3D analytical functions in spatial analyses (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). The Department of Theoretical Geodesy, Faculty of Civil Engineering of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia.





Eva Stopkova
functions taken from another modules are cited above the function or at the beginning of the file (e.g. quantile.cpp that uses slightly modified functions taken from the module r.quantile (Clemens, G.))

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