v.maxent.swd Produce a set of SWD files as input to MaxEnt 3.3.3k (version 3.4.1 untested, but should work as well), based on a point vector layer(s) of species distribution(s), a point layer with background points and user-defined raster layers. The user can also let the function create the background point file. (respecting region and mask, if set).

The SWD file format is a simple CSV-like file file format as described in Elith et al. 2011. The first three fields provide the species name, x-coordinate and y-coordinate, while subsequent fields contain the values of the user-selected environmental parameters. Note that the coordinates are not used by the MaxEnt program if all environmental data is given in the SWD format file.

The user can provide one or more species point files, which will be combined in one SWD file. The map names of both the species point layers and the environmental parameters can be replaced by alias names, which will be used by MaxEnt.


The SWD output files are simple comma delimited text files (.csv) and can therefore be easily read in in for example R and subsequently used in other models / functions.




Paulo van Breugel, paulo at

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