v.neighborhoodmatrix identifies all adjacency relations between polygons in a vector map and exports these as a 2xn matrix where n is the number of neighborhood relations with each relation only listed in one direction (i.e. if a is neighbor of b, the list will contain a,b, but not b,a) unless the b flag is specified. By default, neighbors are identified by the category numbers. Using the idcolumn parameter the user can define a column to use as identifier of the polygons. If a path to an output file is specified, the matrix will be written to that file, otherwise it will be sent to standard output.


Currently the module assumes that the layer above the layer containing the polygons is empty and available for adding categories to boundaries. The module uses to determine neighborhood relations.


Send the neighborhood matrix of the census tracts of the North Carolina dataset to standard output identifying each tract by its category value:
v.neighborhoodmatrix in=census_wake2000
Idem, but identifying each tract by its STFID code and sending the output to a file:
v.neighborhoodmatrix in=census_wake2000 idcolumn=STFID output=census_neighbors.csv



Moritz Lennert

Last changed: $Date$