v.sort.points takes an input point vector map, sorts the points by the values in the sort column and then writes the result to the output map.

This is useful to display symbols in sizes proportionate to that same column without having big symbols hide small symbols.

By setting the r flag, the user can also chose to reverse the sorting order putting points with the highest value in front.


d.vect -r map=schools_wake@PERMANENT type=point,line,boundary,area,face width=1 icon=basic/circle size=1 size_column=CAPACITYTO
v.sort.points input=schools_wake output=sorted_schools column=CAPACITYTO
d.vect -r map=sorted_schools@user1 type=point,line,boundary,area,face width=1 icon=basic/circle size=1 size_column=CAPACITYTO


Moritz Lennert

Last changed: $Date$