This directory contains the source code for GRASS GIS 5.4.1 in gzipped tar format.

The large (around 20 MB) file grass-5.4.1.tar.gz is the officially released GRASS 5.4.1 source code in a single file.


Before you compile GRASS, please read the file REQUIREMENTS.html.
Note: Building of modules that depend on certain pre-requisite software may be disabled by passing options to the configure script (for example PostgreSQL or fftw, see section on CONFIGURE OPTIONS in INSTALL). For general usability of GRASS, leaving out a few modules will often pose no problem.

This release of GRASS uses a new build system by default, known as the 'Alternate' build system. This uses separate build and source directories, i.e. you cannot run ./configure from the top-level source directory. This is convenient when dealing with a project with such a large code base as GRASS. In addition the alternate build system allows to compile the core GRASS libraries as shared, greatly reducing the size of the compiled binaries and install footprint.

The intent of the install method is to have the following sequence of commands work to install GRASS on any platform.

        gunzip -fc grass-5.4.1.tar.gz | tar xvf -
        mkdir grass-build
        cd grass-build
        ../grass-5.4.1/configure ... [system-specific options] ..
        sudo make install

Note: The required temporary space for a full compilation is currently 140MB (including object.files etc which can be removed later). The resulting binary package size is between 20MB and 150MB depending on your system's architecture and on whether the internal GRASS libraries are compiled static or shared.

This is a legacy release of the "classic" 5.x GRASS series. This release includes various accumulated bugfixes since the 5.4.0 release, but MANY BUGS STILL REMAIN and have since been fixed in the 6.x GRASS series, where development is still ongoing. This 5.4.1 release is basically unsupported and is provided only as a courtesy to users who, for whatever reason, cannot use a 6.x GRASS release.


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