GRASS 5.7: Geometry management, optionally with connections to DBMS

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The vector geometry management was completely changed in GRASS 5.7 to achieve more flexibility, support for 3D vectors etc. At time of this writing following options for vector geometry storage are available:

The 5.0 sites format has been migrated into the new vector format. Vector networking is implemented.

Managing the default settings
Per default vector map geometry is stored locally in native 5.7 format. External vector maps can be virtually linked into GRASS with:


Supported formats depend on the OGR installation, usually SHAPE, MapInfo, DGN, Arc/Coverages etc are supported.

In GIS the vector data model is used for geographic phenomena which may be represented by geometric entities (primitives) like points, lines, and areas. In GRASS 5.7 the vector data model includes the description of topology, where besides the coordinates describing the location of the points, lines, boundaries and centroids also their spatial relations are stored. In general topological GIS require a data structure, where common boundary between two adjacent areas is stored as a single line, simplifying the map maintenance. The new GRASS 5.7 vector architecture overcomes the vector limitations of GRASS 4.x-5.0 by extending the vector support with attributes stored in external relational databases and by new 3D capabilities. Besides internal file based storage the geometry may alternatively be stored in PostGIS database. This enables users to maintain large data sets with simultaneous write access. External GIS formats such as SHAPE-files may be used directly without necessity of format conversion.

GRASS 5.7 vector architecture

There are various possibilities to store vector geometry in GRASS 5.7:

See some vector API details here.

Geometry stored in native format
Per default the vector geometry is stored in the GRASS 5.7 location in native format.

For attributes management, see various methods. You can store attributes in a DBF table, or connect to ODBC, PostgreSQL or mySQL.

Geometry stored in SHAPE file: Registering a map in SHAPE format
Maps in OGR supported formats such as the SHAPE format can be virtually linked into GRASS 5.7 without importing the files:

 v.external dsn=/home/user/shape_data layer=markveggy.shp output=markveggy

#get info about vector map:
 v.info markveggy

#look at the map:
 d.mon x0
 d.vect markveggy

Read also Attributes stored in DBF table.
#query map:

Geometry access through OGR
Now implemented in GRASS 5.7, giving you full MapServer/PostGIS support. See v.in.ogr and v.out.ogr.

Generating vector geometry from spreadsheet or DBMS table
It may happen that you receive a list of points with attributes in a spreadsheet table (DBF, CSV, Excel, etc). It's fairly easy to generate a map from such a table, provided that coordinates columns are present.

Here we assume to have a PostgreSQL table with columns 'east', 'north', 'quota' (z) and some attribute columns.

v.in.db driver=pg database="host=myserver.itc.it,dbname=mydb,user=name" \
        table=meteostations x=east y=north z=quota  key=id output=meteostations
This command creates the new vector map (native format) with attributes table in a DBF file.

We can display and query some points:

d.vect meteostations
It will open a window showing the attributes for the selected point. If you have permissions to modify the table, you could even modify the attributes now within this attribute popup-window.

Generating vector geometry from PostGIS table
It is also possible to create a GRASS map from a PostGIS table where the coordinates are in PostGIS GEOMETRY: present.

Here we assume to have a PostgreSQL table with columns 'x', 'y', 'num' (ID) and some attribute columns:

#establish the connection with db tools to verify the table:
db.connect dr=pg data="host=pgserver.itc.it,user=myname,dbname=mitris"
db.connect -p

#see tables:
db.tables -p

#NOTE - it would be better to create a VIEW of the table:
echo "select x(geo),y(geo),num from localizzazione" | db.select -c

#generate map from geometry/ID:
echo "select x(geo),y(geo),num from localizzazione" | db.select -c | v.in.ascii out=mitris
v.info mitris
The command above created the new vector map (native format). Finally we have to link the attributes table to the map:
v.db.connect -p
v.db.connect -o mitris dr=pg
data="host=pgserver.itc.it,user=myname,dbname=mitris" table=localizzazione key=num

Now we can display and query some points:

d.vect mitris

Note that the map was linked to the table. When you delete the map, also the PostGIS table 'localizzazione' would be deleted! (This behaviour should be discussed...).

Generating vector geometry from XY or XYZ file
If you receive a file with coordinate pairs (and maybe z elevation), you can easily generate a vector map. Store the points into an ASCII file, e.g. 'coords.txt' separated by '|' (pipe character).
For 2D maps:


Import into GRASS:

cat coords.txt | v.in.ascii out=my2dmap
#add missing category numbers (to be able to assign attributes)
v.category in=my2dmap out=my2dmap_final op=add
v.category my2dmap_final op=report

or, 3D case:


Import into GRASS:

cat coords.txt | v.in.ascii -z out=my3dmap
#add missing category numbers (to be able to assign attributes)
v.category in=my3dmap out=my3dmap_final op=add
v.category my3dmap_final op=report

Finally, with 'v.db.connect' an attribute table can be assigned.

Further Links (related software, SQL reference etc).

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