Outputs 3D raster maps in ASCII format. The map parameter is a valid 3D raster map in the current mapset search path. The output parameter is the name of an ASCII file which will be written in the current working directory.

If output is not specified then standard output (stdout) is used. The -h flag may be used to suppress header information. The module is sensitive to region settings (set with g.region).


The default format for the ASCII file is equivalent to that required by In particular, files output by r3.out.ascii with header information may be converted back to 3D raster maps with

The format of the ASCII file is:

north:   floating point
south:   floating point
east:    floating point
west:    floating point
top:     floating point
bottom:  floating point
rows:    integer
cols:    integer
levels:  integer
The header is followed by cell values in floating point format. Cell values are output as a series of horizontal slices in row-major order. That is,
  (x, y, z)       (x + 1, y, z)     ...     (x + cols, y, z)
(x, y + 1, z)   (x + 1, y + 1, z)   ...   (x + cols, y + 1, z)

and so on.

One level maps can be imported with (2D raster) after removing the header lines "top", "bottom" and "levels".

SEE ALSO, g.region


Roman Waupotitsch, Michael Shapiro, Helena Mitasova, Bill Brown, Lubos Mitas, Jaro Hofierka

Last changed: $Date$