Changed path to NVWISH2.2 #!/usr/local/grass-5.0b/etc/bin/contrib/cmd/NVWISH2.2 -f 8/99 Neteler ---------------------- Wed May 1 11:07:12 1996 Mark Astley * panel_vect.tcl (add_map): Fixed bug in "add_map" which erroneously creates a map even if the user selects "cancel" in the map browser. * wirecolorPopup.tcl (mkWireColorPopup): Fixed size of color buttons and made the window non-resizable. * script_file_tools (canvas_scroll_height): Fixed a scrolling bug and made the frame and attribute listboxes line up as before. Also, the top level window for this tool is only "width" resizable. Mon Apr 1 11:06:31 1996 Mark Astley * script_file_tools: Set the value of Nv_(APP) to "." so that popups are positioned correctly. * fileBrowser.tcl (create_file_browser): Changed the positioning of the file browser to be based on the window path stored in Nv_(APP) (see comment below). * nviz: Introduced the global variable Nv_(APP). This variable names the toplevel window for the interface portion of an Nviz display. For example, for nviz Nv_(APP)=.top2. This value is used for positioning various file browser popups. It is desirable to have these popups appear over the interface portion rather than randomly since random appearances may overlap with the rendering window. * script_play: Changed this script so that it sources "config.tcl" which contains the standard set of default settings (resources, paths, etc). Tue Mar 26 11:18:50 1996 Mark Astley * script_file_tools: Changed all "-scrollincrement" commands to "-xscrollincrement" and "-yscrollincrement" for canvases. This is a change due to tk4.0. Also, reconfigured the header of this file so that it sources config.tcl. * script_play: Changed the header so that the new version of nvwish is used. * script_tools: Changed the header so that the new version of nvwish is used. * script_file_tools: Changed the header so that the new version of nvwish is used. This was necessary because scripts which rely on pre-4.0 version of Tk cannot communicate via "send" with 4.0 and later shells. * panel_kanimator.tcl (keyanimAddKey): Fixed bug in which the "new key time" entry was not padded properly with leading zeros. (keyanimPosSlider): Fixed bug in positioning of scrollbars when the slider is positioned. This feature had to be fixed to account for the new interface for scrollbar positioning. (mkkeyframeArea): Fixed bug in initialization of canvas scrollbars. By default the scrollbars were being initialized to use old style region setting, this has been changed so that new style is used by default. Wed Mar 20 14:27:24 1996 Mark Astley * panel_kanimator.tcl (keyanimSpecialHScroll): Scroll bars now have a new interface. Changed the "keyanimSpecialHScroll" procedure which handles x scrolling so that it works with the new interface. Also, had to fix a similar problem with "keyanimPosSlider". In addition, I fixed a minor bug in "keyanimPosSlider", occasionally tcl would barf on numerical expressions like "09". In this case the leading zero confuses tcl. * panel_animation.tcl (mkkeyframeSlider): Fixed the key frames slider for the animation panel. This was done by setting the "height" attribute to "12m" when adding the slider as a window to the display canvas. Tue Mar 19 14:34:30 1996 Mark Astley * panel_site.tcl (mksitePanel): changed the sites panel a bit so that sensible defaults are used in the case where a newly loaded site file has no values for such things as size, width, siteshape, etc. * colorPopup.tcl (mkColorButtons): changed the size of individual color buttons. Because of the size changes in tk4.0, not all the color buttons were being displayed on the color popup. Also made the color popup window non-resizable by default. Finally, the entries for scales were not being updated properly. This was fixed as well. Mon Mar 11 14:53:34 1996 Mark Astley * config.tcl: Changed the default color setting for Scrollbars to account for the the change in resource names. Specifically, -background is now -troughcolor, -foreground is now -background, and -activeforeground is now -activebackground. * panel_surf.tcl (mkPositionPanel): changed the floatscale slider to be "scale" and updated colors to account for tk4.0 changes. * panelIndex: the "mkdspf" panel is expected to be obsolete soon so I have moved it to ../archive. See that directory for details. * panel_sdiff.tcl (Nv_mksdiffSurfacelist): added the "-tearoff 0" option to the menus created by the "sdiff" panel. Again, we want to avoid the possibility of this menu hanging around long after the list of surfaces has changed. * widgets.tcl (mkMapList): added the "-tearoff 0" option to the menus created by mkMapList. This removes the tearoff entry from menus which are used as maplists. We want to avoid the possibility that these menus are hanging around long after the list of surfaces has changed. * config.tcl: added this file to conform to the same configuration that was created for the Grass4.2 release. Basically, any features which need to be shared by Nviz and its child processes is put into this file. This file should be sourced at the beginning of each SEPARATE Nviz invoked process. Eventually I will also need to add the "src_boot" variable to the C-code. * widgets.tcl (Nv_mkXYScale): in creating the puck for the XYScale widget, -fill had to be changed to -outline. Apparently this is a change in canvas functionality for tk4.0. Thu Mar 7 14:13:54 1996 Mark Astley * multimapBrowser.tcl (multimap_browser_select_mapset): Changed entries and listboxes in this file to work with the new interface of tk4.0 for these widgets. * mapBrowser.tcl (map_browser_select_mapset): Changed entries and listboxes in this file to work with the new interface of tk4.0 for these widgets. * filemapBrowser.tcl (create_filemap_browser): Changed entries and listboxes in this file to work with the new interface of tk4.0 for these widgets. * fileBrowser.tcl (create_file_browser): The interface for entries and listboxes has changed slightly. These changes have been accounted for in this file. * nviz (Nv_makeGUI): Menus now include a tear-off entry in slot 0 by default. This means that in general all menu indices will be off by one if explicitly referred to. * fileBrowser.tcl (create_file_browser): tk_listboxSingleSelect no longer exists. This has been replaced everywhere it is used by -selectmode single. * panel_kanimator.tcl (mkkeyframeArea): Canvases no longer support -scrollincrement. These have been changed to -xscrollincrement and -yscrollincrement. Wed Mar 6 12:31:52 1996 Mark Astley * attPopup.tcl (create_slideconstant_popup): The -sliderforeground option is no longer supported in scales. Sliderforeground should now be replaced by background. Similarly, background should be replaced with troughcolor. I have done this in all scales. * panel_query.tcl (mkqueryPanel): The -activeforeground option is no longer supported in scrollbars. Activeforeground should now be replaced by activebackground. I have done this in all scrollbars. * attPopup.tcl (create_slideconstant_popup): The -activeforeground option is no longer supported in scales. Activeforeground should now be replaced by activebackground. I have done this in all scales. * widgets.tcl (Nv_mkFloatScale): floatscale was originally a custom widget since the old version of tk didn't allow floating point values in scales. Fortunately, the new version of tk supports this feature so Nv_mkFloatScale now returns regular old scales. Eventually, this routine should be nuked and Nv_mkScale should be made more general. * nviz: Added "wm resizable" commands to make the main nviz command window unresizable by default. We may want to change this later. Also, this marks the start of porting the tcl/tk scripts up to Tcl7.4/Tk4.0. (Nv_makeGUI): The menu command "disable" is not supported in tk4.0, I have changed these to "entryconfigure /index/ -state disabled" Tue Nov 14 12:31:52 1995 Mark Astley * nviz: Disabled some menu features which aren't working correctly. Wed Nov 1 12:31:52 1995 Mark Astley * nviz: Added a few new features to allow panels to be disbursed more widely. Users may now define the environment variable Nviz_PanelPath which specifies directories to search for panels. Each panel directory should have a tclIndex file and a panelIndex file. The tclIndex file is created to allow auto loading. The panelIndex file specifies the names of all panels defined in the directory. This file is used to determine which panels are loaded from the given directory. Thu Sep 21 12:31:52 1995 Mark Astley * nviz: Auto-pathing now used to automatically load needed routines. Wed May 13 17:20:10 CDT 1998 Bill Brown * fileBrowse.tcl (create_file_browser): Added last_dir variable so file browsers will come up with the last directory written to as default path.