$Id: BUGS,v 1.132 2005-03-01 20:53:27 bernhard Exp $ Known bugs in current GRASS GIS version 5.0 and 5.4 CVS. Note that development as moved to GRASS6 bugs that are listed here are likely to not get fixed in further 5.x releases. If you find a new bug, please report it to our tracking system: http://grass.itc.it/bugtracking/bugreport.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following reports might predate the bug-tracker and need to be checked if they still apply or where entered in the tracking system later. We appreciate any help, send email to the grass development list. CELL-Driver: -colors are not correct Comment from Carl Anderson Tracking of the "bug" will have to start in src/display/d.rast/cmd/display.c Since GRASS4 did the colors right, using both GRASS4 and GRASS5 drivers, I suspect one of the Libraries and not the XDRIVER. look at D_set_colors (). (being worked on by ?) - When plotting to D_CELL, the color black is changed to white. this concerns vector maps, fonts (in d.legend), grid an d.erase. I think this problem did not exist in version 5b10. reported by: Reinhard Brunzema ) ----------- libraries - GRASS raster colors bug: GRASS becomes extremely slow in case more than 8000 colors are within a raster map (therefore color quantization in r.in.tiff etc). (being worked on by ?) ----------- modules d.param.scale (at src.nonGPL/display/d.param.scale/) - replace numerical recipes functions with src/libes/gmath/ functions - lower axis description not readable - sometimes "floating point exeption", especially in par=geary (being worked on by ?) -------------------- Modules with interface problems (parser etc): (collected by Andreas Lange, not release critical, bu should be fixed sometimes for consistency) --------------- script used cd $GISBASE/bin for f in ?.*; do echo '---> '$f; $f -help; done 2>&1 | more --------------------------- d.vect.pg, d.what.r.pg, d.what.s.pg, d.what.v.pg, g.column.pg, g.stats.pg, g.table.pg, v.reclass.pg print : Please run g.select.pg to identify a current database. g3.region: no parser i.tape.tm.fast: ERROR (only for xy-locations), no "Usage: " Info m.in.stf1.tape: must be run in command mode only (USAGE:) ... no parser interface v.in.arc.pg -help prints : Coverage type: Enter "polygon(area)" or "line" Hit RETURN to cancel. v.in.dlg: ???? m.lulc.USGS -help prints : Cannot open USGS CTG file tcltkgrass launch itself, ignoring the -help option... All interactive functions print only: Usage : (This command must be run interactively) On the other hand, some help messages are huge (75 lines...) Sometimes, a blank line is printed before the "Usage:" string this is also not consistent... --------------------- Further discussion/hints: - Comments on updating 4.x vector modules to 5.x vector: There is a slightly modified category support: Comment on vector cats from Bill Hughes: The Categories structure was changed between 4.x and 5.0beta. The change seems to have moved the *labels element out of the list structure and replace list.num with the index to **labels. The fix is to change the SCS/* code to use 'cats->labels[i]' instead of 'cats->list[i].labels' There will be breakage around 'list[i].num' as well, and probably these can be deleted, or use 'cats->num' instead. The cats.count is cats.ncats now (see src/include/gis.h). ->Note: All vector modules should be updated