GIP: 3 Title: Image processing library cleanup Version: $Date$ Author: (Markus Neteler) Status: Active Type: Informational Created: 15-May-2003 INTRODUCTION GRASS comes with numerous image processing modules. These modules are based on src/libes/imagery/ which was developed in the late '80th. An improved version of the library developed in the early '90th is stored in src/libes/image3/ Unfortunately this library was never finished but left in an incomplete state. Only i.points3, i.rectify3 are based on it. Additionally owns it's own library overlap to the above mentioned libs: src/imagery/ PROPOSOSALS - cleanup of the src/libes/image3/ note: src/libes/image3/crs.c has been added cleaned to GDAL as gdal/alg/gdal_crs.c - merge needed functions from src/libes/imagery/ into src/libes/image3/ - update functions in src/imagery/ modules - move functions from src/imagery/ modules to library (clones removal) - use doxygen to document the functions (docs are in Programmer's Manual in GRASS CVS)