This directory contains the GRASS 5 MAN pages in HTML format. Please use the style you find in existing module descriptions or in "". To create MAN-formatted files, use the Gmakefile or run g.html2man script : Usage : g.html2man <1> The man directories are created during GRASS compilation. Find the g.html2man at: ../src/scripts/contrib/g.html2man/g.html2man Please take care for HTML links within the files. The best way for creating a new page is to use the script from this directory and to answer all the questions. The program runs automaticaly the editor of your choice ($EDITOR by default, if $EDITOR doesn't exist, use netscape -edit instead) once you have finished. Just replace some example in SYNOPSYS and OPTIONS, and write some new paragraph to explain your program. ------------------------------------------------- TODO (11/2000) : - reorganize man page in man/man1 man/man2 etc... - give here some rules for writing HTML man pages (what command to use...) - upgrade g.html2man for handling tables Michel Wurtz