surface line: SRFLNE lintyp, linwgt, linpst X, Y, "LINE-ID" linetyp: 1-10 linewgt: 1 light 2 medium 3 bold linpst: 0 no posting 1 post line-id SRFPLY typpat, patfac, plypst X, Y, "Poly-id" typpat 0-21 patfac (0 - 10] plypst 0 no posting 1 post poly-id SRFSYM symtyp, symsiz, txtpos, txtang X, Y, "text" symtyp 1-33 symsiz 1-6 txtpos 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 txtang -90 to 90 deg SRFTXT anchor, txtang X, Y, "text" txtang -90 to 90 deg (0 == horiz, -90 == down) anchor 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 SETPEN lgtpen, bldpen, txtpen 1 - 8 def 2 1 - 8 def 2 1 - 8 def 1 lgtpen used for ALL linetypes (except bold types), text, polygons, poly shading paterns, symbols, legend, page annotation.