6/2002: GENERAL for this version of r.answers, the user must set NULL for values with no data (not 0's) for all the maps. SLOPE MAP To generate the slope map needed by answers the creators of r.answers advised to use r.slope. But this program can generate some NULL values; so it recommended to use r.slope.aspect, and r.mapcalc to generate the slope map as needed by answers: mapcalc>slope.answers.format=10*slope.from.r.slope.aspect The map obtained in this way will be a floating values one. But I've checked that it's no problem for r.answers. ASPECT MAP Besides r.direct, it is also possible to generate an aspect map with r.slope.aspect, and use r.reclass, in the way: 0 thru 21 = 360 east 22 thru 66 = 45 east-north 67 thru 111 = 90 north 112 thru 156 = 135 north-west 157 thru 201 = 180 west 202 thru 246 = 225 west-south 247 thru 291 = 270 south 292 thru 336 = 315 south-east 337 thru 360 = 360 east end and the aspect map, as needed by r.answers using r.mapcalc with: mapcalc>aspect.answers=aspect.reclassed.from.r.slope.aspect After this, we must use, anyway, d.rast.edit as mentioned in the 'answers exercise'. The maps so obtained appear slightly different from those obtained through r.direct. --------------------- Javier Garcia andresjavier.garcia@wanadoo.es CEBAS-CSIC 3/2001: r.fill.dir is located now in src/raster/r.fill.dir