INTRO The beginnings of a Swig binding to the grass libraries with a view to allowing TCL and other languages access to Grass and possibly to build an entire OS independent GUI based on some such. Using MinGW32 gcc 3.2.2 and SWIG 1.3.19 the size of the libgis binding DLL is approx 1.5 Mb WINDOWS MinGW32 Ensure that libz.dll and oncprc.dll are in your path as libgis.dll depends on them. NOTES TO REMEMBER miketh@WATER /c/lang/SWIG-1.3.19/Examples/tcl/grass $ gcc --share -I/c/cvs/grass/src/include -I/c/lang/Tcl- libgis_ wrap.c -L/c/cvs/grass/dist.i686-pc-mingw32/lib -lgis -ldatetime -L/c/lang/Tcl-8 .4.1.0/bin -ltcl84 -loncrpc -o libgis.dll >make.log 2>&1