Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 09:13:42 +0100 From: Radim Blazek Attached is version with new options for vectors: - cwidth > plotted line width = cwidth * category ( usefull for any continuous quantity parameter such as flow in rivers) - offset > plots parallel line in offset distance - coffset > offset distance = coffset * category ( combination of cwidth + coffset makes available display parameters in each direction such as traffic on roads) - lpos - position in legend (0-omit, repeated number - merge more vectors in one row) These options are not implemented in interactive mode yet. Radim --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jan 2000 Dear GRASS Team, I want to offer to you It is copy of from Grass5.beta5 with new options: acolor r g b - for plotting vector areas and label label for map - for legend labels of vectors and few little changes. If you accept it to official distribution and if you want my next changes for this module (which I want to do) please send me instructions (or URL) how to go on to avoid conflicts with other contributors. I have some instructions but it seems to be old. I am in doubts how latitude-longitude areas should be correctly handled because d.vect displays boundaries in different way from d.area and v.digit or builds areas. So this module works with LL areas as d.area, v.digit and It means that it doesn't calculate shortest way between points and the same adjusting is done for one area instead of each point. Tested only on Linux RH6.0 Please send me comments anyway. Radim Blazek (