# automated GRASS5 functionality check # see grass/documents/list5_of_modules.txt # # Andreas Lange, andreas.lange@rhein-main.de # # internal data: # module(name,var) # var: if interface: cmd, inter, xml, etc. # type exe, script # test status from list5_of_modules.txt # status status from testsuite # # on heavy loaded machines this could cause problems! # but timeout of 15s is too long for average usage set timeout 5 # mbad is list of modules with possible problems to exclude: set mbad {{g.gisenv} {m.in.stf1.tape} {r.mapcalc} {m.lulc.USGS} {r.in.tiff} {r.hydro.CASC2D} {v.in.arc.pg} {g.version}} # set mbad {{Mlulc.read} {r.out.tiff} {r.out.rlc}} # for output list of all modules set mlist "" set comment_txt "" # open html output proc open_html { } { global htmlfd set htmlf [file join [getenv SRCDIR] "documents" "modules-list.html"] if { [catch {open "$htmlf" w} htmlfd] } \ { perror "$htmlf can no be opened!" exit -1 } return } # close html output proc close_html { } { global htmlfd close $htmlfd return } # creating a list of all avail. modules in path proc grass_modules_list { path type interface } { global module global mlist foreach exe [glob -nocomplain $path/*] \ { if { [file executable $exe] } \ { set tmp [file tail $exe] if { [lsearch -exact $mlist $tmp] >= 0 } \ { if { [info exists module($tmp,if)] } \ { if { ![regexp "$interface" "$module($tmp,if)" ] } \ { set module($tmp,if) [append module($tmp,if) "," "$interface"] } } else { set module($tmp,if) "$interface" } } else { set module($tmp,type) "$type" set module($tmp,if) "$interface" set module($tmp,status) " " set module($tmp,test) " " lappend mlist $tmp } } } return } # read all available modules in one list structure proc read_modules { } { global mlist global module # sources for the modules list: # list5_of_modules.txt # $GISBASE/bin # $GISBASE/scripts # $GISBASE/etc/bin/inter # $GISBASE/etc/bin/cmd set gisbase [getenv GISBASE] # collect all executables from bin dir set path [file join $gisbase "bin"] #grass_modules_list "$path" "exe" "" # collect all scripts from scripts dir set path [file join $gisbase "scripts"] grass_modules_list "$path" "script" "script" # add all executables from interactive dir set path [file join $gisbase "etc" "bin" "inter"] grass_modules_list "$path" "exe" "inter" # add all executables from commandline dir set path [file join $gisbase "etc" "bin" "cmd"] grass_modules_list "$path" "exe" "cmd" # add all executables from contrib/interactive dir # set path [file join $gisbase "etc" "bin" "contrib" "inter"] # grass_modules_list "$path" "exe" "inter" # add all executables from contrib/commandline dir # set path [file join $gisbase "etc" "bin" "contrib" "cmd"] # grass_modules_list $path "exe" "cmd" return } # add the modules from the moduleslist file proc read_modules_list { } { global comment_txt global module global mlist set comment_txt "" set fn [file join [getenv SRCDIR] "documents" "list5_of_modules.txt"] if { ![file exists $fn] } \ { perror "$fn missing!" } else { if { [catch {open $fn r} fd] } \ { perror "$fn can no be opened!" } else { set status "" set modname "" set comment "" foreach line [split [read $fd] \n] { if { [regexp {^\#(.*)$} $line dummy comment] } \ { lappend comment_txt $comment } if { [empty_line $line] } \ { continue } regexp {^(.) (.*)$} $line dummy status modname set tmp [string trim $modname] if { [lsearch -exact $mlist $tmp] >= 0 } \ { set module($tmp,status) "$status" set module($tmp,test) "?" } else { # puts "$modname not found!" set module($tmp,type) "unkn" set module($tmp,if) "n/a" set module($tmp,status) "$status" set module($tmp,test) "-" lappend mlist $tmp } # puts "$module($tmp,status) $module($tmp,test) $tmp\t$module($tmp,type)\t$module($tmp,if)" } close $fd } } return } # process all from modules list proc test_modules { } { global mlist global module global mbad foreach line $mlist \ { set mod $line # skip modules with known problems from mbad list if { [lsearch -exact $mbad $mod] >= 0 } { continue } verbose "$mod help command line test" set test "$mod help command line test" if { ![isgrassbin "$mod"] } \ { # this module is not available for unknown reasons fail "$test: module missing" set module($mod,type) "unkn" set module($mod,status) "-" } else { if { [file executable [file join [getenv GISBASE] "scripts" "$mod"]] } \ { # this module is a script verbose "$mod is script" untested "$test: scripts can not be tested" set module($mod,type) "script" set module($mod,test) "." # set module($mod,status) "" } elseif { $module($mod,type) == "unkn" } { # module type not known verbose "$mod is unknown type" untested "$test: module type unknown" set module($mod,type) "unkn" set module($mod,test) "." # set module($mod,status) "" } elseif { $module($mod,type) == "exe" } { # module is executable binary verbose "$mod is executable" verbose "testing $mod help " spawn "$mod" "help" # wait one moment to let things settle down... after 500 set status 1 expect { -re {.*Usage.*$} { unresolved "$test: basic test worked" ; ; set status 1 } -re {.*USAGE.*$} { fail "$test: unusual Usage message" ; ; set status -1 } -re {.*confused me.*$} { unresolved "$test: basic test worked" ; ; set status 1 } -re {.*o graphics monitor.*$} { unresolved "$test: display module can not be tested" ; ; set status 1 } -re {.*egmentation f.*$} { fail "$test: segmentation fault" ; ; set status -1 } -re {.*core dump.*$} { fail "$test: core dump" ; ; set status -1 } -re {.*Speicher.*$} { fail "$test: core dump" ; ; set status -1 } -re {.*ERROR.*$} { fail "$test: ERROR condition" ; ; set status -1 } -re {.*Please.*database.*$} { unresolved "$test: postgres database modules can not be tested" ; slay "$mod" ; set status 1 } timeout { fail "$test: timed out" ; slay "$mod" ; set status -1 } } wait close if { $status == -1 } \ { set module($mod,if) "f" } elseif { $status == 1 } { set module($mod,test) "?" } elseif { $status == 0 } { set module($mod,test) "p" } set xml 0 set test "$mod xml interface description" verbose "testing xml interface-description for $mod" spawn "$mod" "--interface-description" # wait one moment to let things settle down... after 500 expect { -re {.*illegal.*$} { fail "$test: does not support parser" ; set xml -1 } -re {.*ERROR.*$} { fail "$test: does not support parser correctly" ; slay "$mod"; set xml -1 } -re {.* GRASS 5.0 Modules List

GRASS 5.0 Modules List

" puts $htmlfd "
    foreach line $comment_txt \
	puts $htmlfd $line
    puts $htmlfd "

" puts $htmlfd "" puts $htmlfd "\n\n\n\n\n\n" foreach mod [lsort -ascii $mlist] \ { if { $module($mod,type) == "exe" } \ { incr exes } else { incr scripts } incr both if { [regexp "inter" $module($mod,if)] } \ { incr inter } if { [regexp "cmd" $module($mod,if)] } \ { incr cmd } puts $htmlfd "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" } puts $htmlfd "
" puts $htmlfd "


    puts $htmlfd "All modules/scripts counted:"
    puts $htmlfd "    $both"
    puts $htmlfd "Modules without parser interface (interactive):"
    puts $htmlfd "    $inter"
    puts $htmlfd "Modules with parser interface (commandline):"
    puts $htmlfd "    $cmd"
    puts $htmlfd "Scripts:"
    puts $htmlfd "    $scripts"
    puts $htmlfd ""
    puts $htmlfd "
" return } # main program read_modules read_modules_list test_modules open_html put_modules close_html return 0