r.regression.line Calculates linear regression from two raster maps, according to the formula y = a + b*x, where x and y represent raster maps. Optionally saves regression coefficients to an ASCII file. The result includes the following coefficients: offset (a) and gain (b), residuals (R), number of elements (N), medians (medX, medY), standard deviations (sdX, sdY), and the F test for testing the significance of the regression model as a whole (F).


Comparison of the old and the new DEM in Spearfish:
g.region rast=elevation.10m -p
r.regression.line map1=elevation.dem map2=elevation.10m


Dr. Agustin Lobo - alobo at
Updated to GRASS 5.7 Michael Barton, Arizona State University

Last changed: $Date$