g.mapset changes the current working MAPSET, LOCATION, or GISDBASE. This is a fairly radical maneuver to run mid-session, take care when running the GUI at the same time.

With g.mapset, the shell history (i.e. .bash_history file of the initial location will be used to record the command history.


By default, the shell continues to use the history for the old mapset. To change this behaviour the history can be switched to record in the new mapset's history file as follows:
# bash example
history -w
history -r /"$GISDBASE/$LOCATION/$MAPSET"/.bash_history


Print the name of the current mapset

To print the name of the current mapset, use the -p command as shown below:
g.mapset -p

List available mapsets

To list available mapsets, use the -l command as shown below:
g.mapset -l
This should list all the mapsets, such as: "landsat new PERMANENT user1."

Change the current mapset

To change the current mapset to "user1" use the following command:
g.mapset mapset=user1 location=nc_spm_08_grass7
You should receive the following message: "Mapset switched. Your shell continues to use the history for the old mapset."

Create a new mapset

To create a new mapset, use the -c tag as shown below:
g.mapset -c mapset=new location=nc_spm_08_grass7


g.gisenv, g.mapsets


Radim Blazek

Last changed: $Date$