Projection string management: GRASS GIS relies on GDAL/PROJ. The EPGS DB is transformed into suitable CSV data for GDAL/PROJ according to this procedure: The EPSG CSV files are used via GDAL/OGR API from gdal-config --datadir The datum shift grids are also used from GDAL/PROJ (proj-nad package). TODO: It is recommended to rely on PROJ4's proj-nad package. For doing so, there would be some changes needed to lib/proj/get_proj.c - the call to pj_set_finder() should be removed so that PROJ looks in its default locations for the files. Function: const char* pszDatumshiftfile = CPLFindFile( "gdal", "datum_shift.csv" ); ########## # EPSG code queries: # printing all available datum shift codes ogrinfo /usr/share/gdal/datum_shift.csv -al ogrinfo /usr/share/gdal/gcs.csv -al # selective printing ogrinfo /usr/share/gdal/datum_shift.csv -al -where "SOURCE_CRS_CODE = '4156'" -al ogrinfo /usr/share/gdal/gcs.csv -al -where "COORD_REF_SYS_NAME LIKE '%JT%'" # print NAD file info gdalinfo /usr/share/proj/hawaii # query codes gdalsrsinfo EPSG:5514 # transform between projections gdaltransform -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs "+proj=longlat +datum=nad27" --debug on ########## # Testing: comparing results # Testing using GDAL PROJ_DEBUG=ON CPL_DEBUG=ON gdaltransform -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs "+proj=longlat +datum=nad27" -100 40 -99.9995941840488 39.9999941029394 0 # Testing using GRASS GIS PROJ_DEBUG=ON CPL_DEBUG=ON m.proj proj_in="+init=epsg:4326" proj_out="+proj=longlat +datum=NAD27" coordinates=-100,40 -d -99.99959418|39.99999410|0.00000000 The resulting values need to be identical (note: m.proj prints with less precision)