GRASS Reference Manual
d.label NAME d.label - Creates and displays text labels in the active display frame on the graphics monitor. (GRASS Display Program) SYNOPSIS d.label d.label help d.label [size=value] [backcolor=name] [textcolor=name] [font=name] DESCRIPTION d.label allows the user to create and display text labels in the active frame on the graphics monitor. It interactively requests that the user type in text and use the pointing device (mouse) to identify where this text is to be placed within the active graphics frame. The program will prompt the user for label size, background color, text color, and text font type, if the user fails to specify these values on the command line. Program prompts use the standard GRASS parser interface described in the manual entry for parser. Parameters: size=value Sets the label text size to the specified number. Values are stated as a percentage of the frame height; e.g., a size of 10 will make each line of text equal to one- tenth the height of the display frame. Options: 0-1000 Default: 10 backcolor=name Sets the color of the label background to the name stated. Options: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, gray, white, and black. Default: black textcolor=name Sets the color of the label text to the name stated. Options: same as for backcolor. Default: white font=name Sets the font type used for the label's text to name. Options: romand, romanp, romant, romans, scriptc, scripts, romancs, italicc, italiccs, gothitt, gothgrt, and gothgbt. The user can view these available fonts by running show.fonts.sh. GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 1 d.label
GRASS Reference Manual
d.label Default: romans (Roman simplex font type), or whatever font the user has set the font type to before entering d.label. NOTES This program will allow the user to display labels anywhere in the active display frame, even in areas lying outside of the current geographic region. d.label will only allow the user to type in one line of text. The fully interactive program d.labels can be used to create text labels having as many as four lines. d.label does not create paint labels files displayable by d.paint.labels -- d.labels does. These programs should be integrated in future GRASS releases. BUGS If the user is running GRASS under X Windows, and the user enters a text label longer than 80 characters (i.e., allows text to wrap onto a second line), X Windows will stop the user's GRASS graphics monitor without throwing the user out of GRASS. If this happens, the user should simply restart a graphics monitor, using d.mon. SEE ALSO d.display, d.font, d.labels, d.legend, d.mon, d.paint.labels, d.rast, d.scale, d.text, d.title, d.where, show.fonts.sh and parser AUTHOR James Westervelt, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory 2 GRASS Development Team GRASS 5.0beta6