GRASS Reference Manual
d.measure NAME d.measure - Measures the lengths and areas of features drawn by the user in the active display frame on the graphics monitor. (GRASS Display Program) SYNOPSIS d.measure d.measure help d.measure [c1=name] [c2=name] DESCRIPTION d.measure provides the user with an interactive way to measure the lengths and areas of lines and polygons drawn by the user in the active frame on the graphics monitor. Lines and polygons are drawn using a pointing device (mouse). Each line segment is drawn in colors c1 and c2. A mouse button menu indicates that the user can find out the geographic coordinates of the cursor location, draw line segments between user-specified vertices, and quit d.measure. Lines and polygons are defined by the series of vertices marked by the user. If more than two successive vertices are drawn, d.measure prints the area encompassed (d.measure will assume the area is closed even if the user has not joined the first and last vertices). Line lengths are stated in the same units as those of the current LOCATION. Areas are stated in hectares, square miles, and square meters. Lines and polygons drawn using d.measure will overlay (not overwrite) whatever display currently appears in the active frame on the graphics monitor. The user can, for example, run d.rast or d.vect prior to running d.measure, and use raster and/or vector maps as a backdrop. OPTIONS The user can specify the colors in which line segments will be drawn by setting the values of c1 and c2 on the command line. Default line colors (see below) will be used if the user does not specify the values of c1 and c2 on the command line. Parameters: c1=name The first color in which each line segment is drawn, while being positioned. Options: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, magenta, brown, gray, white, and black Default: white GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 1 d.measure
GRASS Reference Manual
d.measure c2=name The second color in which each line segment is drawn, after its vertices are fixed. Options: Same as c1. Default: white NOTES d.measure uses all segments drawn by the user when computing area. If the user draws an area within another area, the combined area of both regions will be output. SEE ALSO d.display, d.frame, d.graph, d.mapgraph, d.rast, d.vect, d.where AUTHOR Jim Westervelt, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, 4.1 Release 2 GRASS Development Team GRASS 5.0beta6