GRASS Reference Manual
i.grey.scale NAME i.grey.scale - An interactive imagery function that assigns a histogram contrast stretch grey scale color table to a raster map layer. (GRASS Image Processing Program) SYNOPSIS i.grey.scale DESCRIPTION i.grey.scale is an interactive imagery function that assigns a histogram contrast stretch grey scale color table to a raster map layer. The histogram contrast stretch expands the original range of digital (category) values to utilize the full range of the user's graphics monitor. The user is asked for the name of the raster map layer that needs a grey scale. When the raster map layer is displayed it will be displayed with a grey scale color scheme. NOTES This program is interactive and requires no command line arguments. SEE ALSO GRASS Tutorial: Image Processing d.colormode, d.colors, d.colortable, i.colors, i.composite AUTHOR Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 1