GRASS Reference Manual
r.le.rename NAME r.le.rename (GRASS Raster Program) GRASS VERSION 4.x SYNOPSIS r.le.rename r.le.rename help r.le.rename [-a] [ext=name] DESCRIPTION It is necessary to rename the files before running an r.le program will overwrite existing files each time the program is started. OPTIONS Flag: All files in r.le.out that have extension .out change their extension to parameter ext; others not affected. Parameters: New extension with which to replace the .out extension of files in r.le out directory. Old file name i in r.le.out directory to be changed. New file name for old file name i in r.le.out directory. SEE ALSO The r.le r.le.trace AUTHOR William L. Baker, Department of Geography and Recreation, University of Wyoming GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 1