GRASS Reference Manual
r.resample NAME r.resample - GRASS raster map layer data resampling capability. (GRASS Raster Program) SYNOPSIS r.resample r.resample help r.resample [-q] input=name output=name DESCRIPTION r.resample resamples the data values in a user-specified raster input map layer name (bounded by the current geographic region and masked by the current mask), and produces a new raster output map layer name containing the results of the resampling. The category values in the new raster output map layer will be the same as those in the original, except that the resolution and extent of the new raster output map layer will match those of the current geographic region settings (see g.region). The program will be run non-interactively if the user specifies program arguments on the command line, using the form r.resample [-q] input=name output=name where the input name is the name of the raster map layer whose data are to be resampled, the output name is the name of the raster map layer to store program output, and the -q option, if present, directs that r.resample run quietly (supressing the printing of program messages to standard output). Alternately, the user can simply type r.resample on the command line, without program arguments. In this case, the user will be prompted for needed inputs and option choices using the standard GRASS parser interface described in the manual entry for parser. NOTES The method by which resampling is conducted is "nearest neighbor" (see r.neighbors). The resulting raster map layer will have the same resolution as the resolution of the current geographic region (set using g.region). The resulting raster map layer may be identical to the original raster map layer. The r.resample program will copy the color table and history file associated with the original raster map layer for the resulting raster map layer and will create a modified category file which contains description of only those categories which appear in GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 1 r.resample
GRASS Reference Manual
r.resample resampled file. When the user resamples a GRASS reclass file, a true raster file is created by r.resample. SEE ALSO g.region, r.mapcalc, r.mask, r.mfilter, r.neighbors, r.rescale, and parser AUTHOR Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory 2 GRASS Development Team GRASS 5.0beta6