GRASS Reference Manual
v.to.rast NAME v.to.rast - Converts a binary GRASS vector map layer into a GRASS raster map layer. (GRASS Vector Program) SYNOPSIS v.to.rast v.to.rast help v.to.rast input=name output=name DESCRIPTION v.to.rast transforms (binary) GRASS vector map layers into GRASS raster map layer format. Most GRASS analysis programs operate on raster data. Parameters: input=name Name of the binary vector map layer to be converted. output=name Name to be assigned to the raster map layer output. The user can run the program non-interactively by specifying the names of a vector input file and raster output file on the command line, using the form: v.to.rast input=name output=name If the user instead types simply v.to.rast on the command line, the program will prompt the user to enter these names. NOTES v.to.rast will only affect data in areas lying inside the boundaries of the current geographic region. Before running v.to.rast, the user should therefore ensure that the current geographic region is correctly set and that the region resolution is at the desired level; the program may otherwise create an empty raster map layer. An empty raster map layer will also be created if the vector map layer has not been assigned category/attribute labels (e.g., through use of the v.digit program). The v.to.rast program creates two files: a raster map layer, and a history file. The GRASS program r.support must be run to create additional support files for the raster map. Additional problems sometimes lead to the creation of empty raster map layers. Unfortunately, error messages explaining these phenomena do not yet exist. GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 1 v.to.rast
GRASS Reference Manual
v.to.rast SEE ALSO g.region, r.support, v.digit, v.import, v.support AUTHORS Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory 2 GRASS Development Team GRASS 5.0beta6