DOS.delete GRASS Reference Manual DOS.delete NAME DOS.delete - SCS DOS PC6300 display station image support. (SCS GRASS Graphics File Management Program) (Available for PC6300 workstations, only) SYNOPSIS DOS.delete DOS.delete help DESCRIPTION This command allows a user to interactively remove PC6300 saved images from the MS-DOS disk. will store an image produced by d.display, d.rast, etc. on the PC6300 display from the 6300 hard disk. NOTES This program only works with PC6300 workstations. SEE ALSO DOS.list,, AUTHOR P.W.Carlson, USDA, SCS, NHQ-CGIS NOTICE This program is part of the contrib section of the GRASS distribution. As such, it is externally contributed code that has not been examined or tested by the Office of GRASS Integration. GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 1