r.traj GRASS Reference Manual r.traj NAME r.traj - Ballistic trajectory modeling program. (GRASS Raster Program) SYNOPSIS r.traj r.traj help r.traj input=name output=name weapon=name coordinate=x,y elevation=value ammunition=name left.azimuth=name right.azimuth=name DESCRIPTION r.traj generates a raster map layer showing cells that can be hit from a firing point by shells from a user-specified weapon. Cells are marked with integer values that represent the muzzle firing angles required to hit them. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS Parameters: input=name Name of the elevation raster map. output=name Name of new raster map containing results. weapon=name Type of weapon used for firing. A list of weapon types and their associated attributes are kept in the file $GISBASE/weapon_data/weapons. coordinate=x,y The coordinates of the firing point (east, north). elevation=value Maximum weapon muzzle elevation. ammunition=name Type of ammunition. A list of ammunition types and their associated attributes are kept in the file $GISBASE/weapon_data/ammunition. left.azimuth=name Far left edge of allowable firing azimuth. The angle will be in the form of: [NS]0-90[EW] For example, S60E indicates the angle is 60 degrees East of true South. right.azimuth=name Far right edge of allowable firing azimuth, stated in same form as left.azimuth. GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 1 r.traj GRASS Reference Manual r.traj Category values in the output raster map layer will program results. Category values between -89 and 89 indicate the gun elevation angle in degrees needed to hit that cell. A category value of 90 is assigned to the weapon's firing point. A category value of -90 is assigned to those points unhittable by the weapon. EXAMPLE r.traj input=elevation output=name weapon=M1 coordinate=600000.0,4920000.0 elevation=2.5 ammunition=M392 left.azimuth=S30E right.azimuth=S25W WEAPON AND AMMUNITION TYPES Weapon types and their attribute types are listed below. These can be listed by running the program r.traj.data. +----------------------+ |Weapon Type | +----------------------+ |M48 19 -9 | |M1 20 -9 | |M101 66 -5 | |M102 75 -5 | +----------------------+ Ammunition types and their attributes are listed below. These can be displayed by running the program r.traj.data. +--------------------------------+ |Ammo Type | +--------------------------------+ |M392 105 18.60 1458 | |M392A2 105 18.60 1458 | |M728 105 18.95 1426 | |M735 105 23.05 1501 | |M735A1 105 17.24 1508 | |M774 105 17.23 1508 | |M494 105 24.9 821 | |M456 105 21.78 1173 | |M416 105 20.68 737 | |M467 105 20.42 730 | |M490 105 20.41 1170 | |M724 105 14.51 1507 | |M724A1 105 14.51 1539 | |M737 105 9.44 1539 | |M393 105 20.41 732 | +--------------------------------+ SEE ALSO See $GISBASE/etc/weapon_data/weapons for a list of ammunition types. See $GISBASE/etc/weapon_data/ammunition for a list of ammunition types. d.rast.arrow, r.los, r.slope.aspect, r.surf.contour, r.surf.idw r.surf.idw2, r.traj.data, range.place, and parser 2 GRASS Development Team GRASS 5.0beta6 r.traj GRASS Reference Manual r.traj AUTHORS Chuck Ehlschlaeger, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory Kewan Q. Khawaja, Intelligent Engineering Systems Laboratory, M.I.T. NOTICE This program is part of the contrib section of the GRASS distribution. As such, it is externally contributed code that has not been examined or tested by the Office of GRASS Integration. GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 3