s.in.grid GRASS Reference Manual s.in.grid NAME s.in.grid - convert Arc GRIDASCII output to site list. (GRASS Shell Script) SYNOPSIS s.in.grid file DESCRIPTION s.in.grid is a awk shell (awk(1)) script that reads the output of Arc/INFO's GRIDASCII command and converts it to a GRASS site list. Parameters: file Name of the output of GRIDASCII. EXAMPLE Typing the following: Arc: GRIDASCII nitrates tmp Arc: quit GRASS GRID> s.in.grid tmp | s.in.ascii nitrates fs='|' GRASS GRID> rm tmp exports the GRID file nitrates from Arc/INFO and imports it as the GRASS site list nitrates. FILES $GISBASE/scripts/s.in.grid SEE ALSO s.in.ascii AUTHOR James Darrell McCauley, Purdue University (mccauley@ecn.purdue.edu) NOTICE This program is part of the contrib section of the GRASS distribution. As such, it is externally contributed code that has not been examined or tested by the Office of GRASS Integration. GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 1