v.reclass GRASS Reference Manual v.reclass NAME v.reclass - Changes vector category values for an existing vector map. (SCS GRASS Vector Program) SYNOPSIS v.reclass v.reclass help v.reclass [-d] type=name input=name output=name file=name DESCRIPTION v.reclass allows a user to create a new vector map based on the reclassification of an existing vector map. The user provides the program with a category conversion file, input vector map name, an output vector map name, and the type of input map. There is an option (d) to dissolve common boundaries between adjoining map areas of the same re- classed category value. Note: The dissolve option will work on only those areas which are of the same conversion category value. If a map area is inside (island) a converted area and is NOT converted to the same value, its boundaries are output to the resultant map. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS Flag: -d Dissolve common boundaries (default is no) . Parameters: type=name Select area, line, or site. Options: area, line, site input=name Vector input map name. output=name Vector output map name. file=name Text file name for category conversion. EXAMPLE $GISBASE/etc/v.reclass -d input=soils output=soil_groupa type=area file=convert1,convert2,convert3 the input map soils contains 15 map area categories, the conversion files contain : convert1 convert2 convert3 GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 1 v.reclass GRASS Reference Manual v.reclass 1:1 3:2 2:3 10:1 4:2 7:3 12:1 5:2 8:3 15:1 6:2 9:3 11:2 13:3 14:3 Produces a new vector area file soil_groupa containing 'area' boundaries from soilss with area category values of 1,10,12,15 changed to category 1; values of 3-6,11 changed to 2; and values 2,7-9,13-14 changed to 3. Any common boundaries are dissolved. NOTE: The format for "category label" is: if NO SPACES in the labels if SPACES in the labels Abc area name 1: Def1 area name 2: 12A . . . WWd area name n: The format for "category value" is: 1 10 12 15 INTERACTIVE MODE v.reclass o The first question asked is the map type: Enter the type of map (area, line, site) [area] : The default is for areas. o The next question is if common boundaries are dissolved : Do you want common boundaries dissolved ?(y/n) [n] The default is no, meaning all exiting boundaries will be retained. o The next question is an option for using category labels : Do you want to use category names ?(y/n) [n] The default is no, meaning the user will be using category values. 2 GRASS Development Team GRASS 5.0beta6 v.reclass GRASS Reference Manual v.reclass o The next question asks for the name of the input map : Enter vector map Enter 'list' for a list of exiting vector files Hit RETURN to cancel request > Any map is the user's search list is available. o The next question asks for the name of the output map : Enter name for resultant vector map Enter 'list' for a list of exiting vector files Hit RETURN to cancel request > If the name is for an existing map, the user will be asked if the map can be over-written. o The next question asks if a file of labels/categories is to be used : If names was selected previously: Do you want to use a file of labels?(y/n) [n] If names was NOT selected previously: Do you want to use a file of categories?(y/n) [n] o At this time the user will be asked for category 1 information: 1. be asked to enter a file name - if file input was selected, or 2. be asked to enter the information manually. Then the user will be asked for category 2 information: Then the user will be asked for category 3 information: . . Then the user will be asked for category n information: o When no entry is provided the program will begin. SEE ALSO v.extract AUTHOR R.L. Glenn, USDA, SCS, NHQ-CGIS GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 3 v.reclass GRASS Reference Manual v.reclass NOTICE This program is part of the contrib section of the GRASS distribution. As such, it is externally contributed code that has not been examined or tested by the Office of GRASS Integration. 4 GRASS Development Team GRASS 5.0beta6