v.to.gnuplot GRASS Reference Manua v.to.gnuplot NAME v.to.gnuplot - outputs an ASCII vector map in GNUPLOT format (GRASS Shell Script) SYNOPSIS v.to.gnuplot help v.to.gnuplot name DESCRIPTION v.to.gnuplot is an awk shell script that converts an ASCII vector map into a format suitable for plotting with g.gnuplot and writes the results to standard output. OPTIONS This program runs non-interactively; the user must either state all parameter values on the command line or use redirection. Parameter: name Full path of an ASCII vector map layer. EXAMPLE Typing the following at the command line: v.to.gnuplot < LOCATION/dig_ascii/elevation > elev.dat will write the raster data to elev.dat. After staring the GRASS graphics monitor, the following dialogue: g.gnuplot gnuplot> plot 'elev.dat' notitle with lines will plot a map of elevation. NOTES Output may be saved as PostScript, FrameMaker, TeX, etc (approximately 2 dozen output formats). v.vclean and v.out.ascii must be run prior to v.to.gnuplot. FILES $GISBASE/scripts/v.to.gnuplot SEE ALSO v.clean, v.out.ascii, r.to.gnuplot, and g.gnuplot AUTHOR James Darrell McCauley, Agricultural Engineering, Purdue University GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 1 v.to.gnuplot GRASS Reference Manua v.to.gnuplot NOTICE This program is part of the contrib section of the GRASS distribution. As such, it is externally contributed code that has not been examined or tested by the Office of GRASS Integration. 2 GRASS Development Team GRASS 5.0beta6