.TH r.circle 1 "" "" "" "" .SH NAME \*Lr.circle\*O - Creates a raster map containing concentric rings around a given point. .SH GRASS VERSION 5.x .SH SYNOPSIS \*Lr.circle output=\*Oname] .SH DESCRIPTION This module creates a raster map containing concentric rings around a given point. The cell values are increasing linear from the center point to outer rings. .SH OPTIONS .SH Parameters: .VL 4m .LI "\*Loutput=\*Oname name for new raster file. .LI "\*Lcoordinate=\*Ox,y The coordinate of the center (easting, northing). .LI "\*Lmult=\*Ovalue Multiplier .LE .SH AUTHOR Bill Brown, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory