Note: Line numbers for system and library calls may be incorrect Begin traceback... Called from [func: (null)], at 0xf7682c4c, args=0xb 0xffffffff 0xf7745c66 0xf7744eb4 Called from [func: (null)], at 0xf77395ec, args=0xf7696578 0xb3a88 0x4000 0x1038 Called from [func: (null)], at 0xf7725370, args=0x3ffc 0x0 0xf78043f8 0xa5f44 Called from [func: (null)], at 0xf7724f0c, args=0x1 0x1 0xf78043f8 0xa5f44 Called from [func: _rioout_], at 0x362a4, args=0x79a48 0x26 0x8 0x79df4 Called from [func: _swfilo_], at 0x3c43c, args=0x77550 0x26 0x79a58 0x1 Called from [func: _swflfs_], at 0xf494, args=0x2ff4 0xbfd0 0xffffffff 0xa03f0 Called from [func: _swcon_], at 0xf074, args=0x0 0x77550 0x2 0x3 Called from [func: _sort_], at 0xec24, args=0xa0360 0x4de0 0x2ead 0x8c07 Called from [func: _build_], at 0x1da40, args=0x7ec00 0x0 0x28 0x28 Called from [func: _rimcmd_], at 0x31e0, args=0x9ac00 0x1 0x9ac00 0x3 Called from [func: _MAIN_], at 0x23e4, args=0x76364 0x3 0x76360 0x12 Called from [func: (null)], at 0xf7720db4, args=0x0 0xf76ef12c 0xf7802778 0x2e000000 Called from [func: start], at 0x2064, args=0x0 0x10 0xf7fffb4c 0x76000 End traceback...