# This file is required for src/CMD/lists/GRASS. Please do not delete. # # This Gmakefile may only be used when building the entire # GRASS from source code. Store this directory tree in src/tcltkgrass/ # # If you are updating your TclTkGRASS, use the "make" command. # all: if [ ! -d $(GISBASE)/tcltkgrass ]; then mkdir $(GISBASE)/tcltkgrass; fi tar cf - bitmap/* docs/Pro* docs/HIS* main/* module/* script/* | (cd $(GISBASE)/tcltkgrass; tar xf -) rm -f $(GISBASE)/bin/tcltkgrass cp main/tcltkgrass.start $(GISBASE)/bin/tcltkgrass chmod ugo+x $(GISBASE)/bin/tcltkgrass