GRASS GIS programming style standards $Id: STYLE_PROGRAMMING,v 1.3 2000-07-26 07:36:00 markus Exp $ Please improve this list! Get the latest GRASS 5 Programmer's Manual here: or grab it from CVS server (Latex): cvs -z3 co progmangrass50 ----------------------------------------------------------- GRASS GIS programming style standards 1. Use the directory structure to place your module 2. documents go to ./html and ./man See local examples about documentation style. To convert to MAN format, the g.html2man can be used. 3. When writing Gmakefiles, use the current standard [insert module example here] Take care of this: Couple notes for your Gmakefiles: - do not add libraries on a link line after the $(XDRLIB) $(MATHLIB) - please add them before these 4. Platform dependent code: Do not remove #ifdef __CYGWIN__ and/or #ifndef __CYGWIN__ lines and their encapsulated lines from source code (one example was that someone removed drand48 definition.) 5. Insert return statements for functions 6. Use fprintf instead of printf 7. Put a new line at end-of-file ...