$Id: TODO,v 1.9 2000-07-25 11:43:58 markus Exp $ TODO for GRASS GIS: - Fix the bugs in BUGS (Being worked on by ) Wishlist for GRASS 5 Configure: - update missing features in "configure" (see src/CMD/head/head.in) - search for PQLIB, PQINCPATH: PostgreSQL stuff - search for PNGINC, PNGLIB: PNG graphics library - search for TIFFINCPATH, TIFFLIBPATH - search for JPEGINCPATH, JPEGLIBPATH - search for MESA (usr/include or usr/include/GL ?) (Being worked on by ) - extended "autoconf" for entire package (Being worked on by ) - is "-fwritable-strings" o.k. for all platforms? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Font selection: - add truetype support (replace old font system). This is urgently required for internationalization. Suggestion: Use "FreeType" http://freetype.sourceforge.net (Being worked on by ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Libraries: - src/libes/gis/readsites.c: Required is a new function which allows to read an attribute/dimension selectable by user. Useful in order to select which attribute to be converted (assuming multi-attribute sites lists). (Being worked on by Markus, assistance wanted) - projection datum support for maps (Being worked on by Andreas Lange) - new 3D vector format: evetually http://gts.sourceforge.net/ ?? (Being worked on by ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Package: - split into packages: GRASS-CORE, GRASS-Raster, ... (Being worked on by ) - release import/export routines separately under LGPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- Modules: - r.buffer: should save info about used buffers into map history (Being worked on by ) - etc/monitorcap: use relative paths based on $GISBASE (Being worked on by ) - fix s.to.rast and s.to.vect to accept site lists created by r.to.sites (Being worked on by Markus) - NVIZ: - Z axis scalable when displaying 3D sites (Being worked on by ) - eventually color problem in lat/long locations (Being worked on by ) - high resolution output (definable extent like CELL driver) (Being worked on by ) - fix legend, scale and box drawings - v.out.e00: make it working (Being worked on by Michel Wurtz) - r.out.e00: write it (Being worked on by Michel Wurtz) - Reorganize initialization routines and write a Tcl/Tk interface for initialization (Being worked on by Justin) - Create a Tcl/Tk interface for v.digit (Being worked on by Justin) - Change the tcltkgrass code so that lists of choices appear as a list instead of needing to use a push button to create the list. For example when using d.rast we must click a "Raster" button to get a list of raster files instead of having the raster files appear automatically when we call the d.rast module from the menu (edit gui.tcl) (Being worked on by )