s.out.ascii - Converts a GRASS site list file into an ASCII listing of site locations and their descriptions.
(GRASS Sites Program)


s.out.ascii help
s.out.ascii [-ad] sites=name [fs=character|space|tab]


s.out.ascii converts an existing site list file (sites=name) into an ASCII listing of site locations and (optionally) their category labels, in a format suitable for input to other programs (e.g., d.points, m.u2ll, etc.).

Each line of output consists of the easting, northing, and category label for a site listed in the named sites file. The fs=name option (where name is either a character, a space, or a tab) can be used to place a particular field separator between these three output fields. This is useful when output is to be manipulated by other programs, like awk or sed.

The GRASS program can be used to perform the reverse function, converting a UNIX file containing eastings, northings, and category labels associated with site locations into GRASS site list file format.



Output all sites found in the named sites file, rather than limiting output to sites falling within the current geographic region.
Include site descriptions (category labels) in the output.


Name of an existing site list file.
The field separator to be placed between the easting, northing, and (optionally) category label on each line of output. The field separator can be a character, a space, or a tab.
Default: space
s.out.ascii can be run either non-interactively or interactively. The program will be run non-interactively if the user specifies the name of an existing site list file and (optionally) a value for fs, using the form

s.out.ascii [-ad] sites=name [fs=character|space|tab]
where name is the name of an existing site list file to be converted to a brief ASCII listing, and fs is the field separator to be placed between output fields. The user can also the -a and -d options to use all sites in the named sites file and to include site descriptions in the output.

Alternately, the user can simply type s.out.ascii on the command line, without program arguments. In this case, the user will be prompted for parameter values using the standard GRASS parser interface.


The output from s.out.ascii may be placed into a file by using the UNIX redirection mechanism; e.g.:

s.out.ascii sites=archsites > out.file
s.out.ascii output may also be redirected into other programs; e.g.:

s.out.ascii sites=archsites | d.points color=red size=10 type=diamond




Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory