Printed 1/5/100 GRASS Development Team 1 ISMcell2grd GRASS Reference Manual ISMcell2grd NAME ISMcell2grd - Converts a GRASS raster map layer into an ISM grid file. (GRASS Raster Data Export Program) SYNOPSIS ISMcell2grd ISMcell2grd help ISMcell2grd input=name output=name DESCRIPTION ISMcell2grd allows a user to create a grid data file for use in Interactive Surface Modeling (ISM) from an existing GRASS raster map layer. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS Parameters: input=name Name of a binary GRASS raster map input file. output=name Name to be assigned to ISM grid data file created. If the user simply types ISMcell2grd without specifying parameter values on the command line, the program will prompt the user to enter these. NOTES Since the grid file created by ISMcell2grd is placed in the current directory, the user should run ISMcell2grd from the ISM file directory or move the new file to the ISM file directory. In order to use the grid file, the user must also add it to the ISM table of contents (.toc file) by choosing option 3 (edit/create file) under FILE OPERATIONS. The user should note that the maximum ISM grid size is 512 x 512, yet GRASS cell files are often much larger. ISMcell2grd currently resamples larger cell files at 512 x 512 resolution. To avoid losing information, the user may want to resize the grass cell file prior to exporting the data. Interactive Surface Modeling (ISM) is a trademark of Dynamic Graphics, Inc., Berkeley, California. SEE ALSO ISMgrd2cell, ISMdig2ann, ISMann2dig, ISMcell2scat, ISMcont2dig AUTHOR Dave Gerdes, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research 2 GRASS Development Team GRASS 5.0beta6 ISMcell2grd GRASS Reference Manual ISMcell2grd Laboratory NOTICE This program is part of the contrib section of the GRASS distribution. As such, it is externally contributed code that has not been examined or tested by the Office of GRASS Integration. GRASS 5.0beta6 GRASS Development Team 3